Thursday, April 30, 2015


Good morning! We are back and have officially started our seedlings! This is a very exciting time for Northern Pineapple and lucky for you we documented it all on camera. Don't forget to check out our first official episode in our Youtube series. It's right there, go ahead and click it!

We were fortunate enough to have a great indoor greenhouse-type room to plant our seedlings in. But if you don't have access to one you can always just set them by a sunny window or buy a small indoor greenhouse for pretty cheap. 

We got ours at Tractor Supply Co. for 20 dollars and it worked wonders before we planted so much and had to relocate. But if you are planning on just a few different varieties I highly recommend getting one of these!

The most important thing to remember is to plant what you like and if you're feeling adventurous plant something you have never tried before. I know there are a couple things that I have never really experimented with but I am excited to get on Pinterest and check out new recipes. Who doesn't love Pinterest! But I am rambling, so here is a list of what we planted and what you didn't see in our video (because you watched it, right??).
  • Cucumbers
  • Tomatoes and Old German Tomatoes
  • Eggplant
  • Pumpkins (Pie and Jack O'Lantern)
  • Zucchini
  • Broccoli
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Cabbage (Regular, Red and Baby Choi)
  • Habanero Peppers
  • Okra
And that's just the beginning. We also have all the root vegetables that will be planted straight into the ground. But that's for another time, and another video.

We are getting geared up to head outside and prepare the garden for transplanting. If you want to keep more up to date don't forget to check out our Facebook pages and the newest addition to Northern Pineapple social media, our INSTAGRAM page (just search "northernpineapple") where we will be blowing up your news feed with our gardening adventures.

So as always, stay tuned and come grow with us!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Holy Pineapple!

Northern Pineapple isn't just an interesting and cool name (I know you're thinking it). So we couldn't just bypass trying to grow our Northern Pineapple mascot! After months of waiting to see if we could actually grow a pineapple in the northern part of the United States we have finally started seeing growth!

If you look closely all the pale, dead leaves are from the old pineapple and the pineapple plant that is beginning to grow is that bright green in the middle. Though it did take quite some time to root and get started its actually pretty easy to do, you just need patience when it comes to it actually showing progress which was the hardest for me. This is what we used as kind of a guide on what to do:

We cut the top off and soaked it for about a week or so, then removed any remaining fruit pieces that were still attached. Then Andrew planted it in soil and we set it in our little indoor portable greenhouse. Not much was happening for awhile, we checked it a few times and eventually started seeing roots growing underneath. At one point we picked up a bigger grow light and put it under to keep it heated well. But don't leave it under too long or it will burn, we learned that the hard way. Luckily the burning wasn't that bad and it's bouncing back. Then just queue the jeopardy music and wait! 

I have no idea what it is going to look like as it progresses but be sure to watch out for updated pictures of our very own northern pineapple!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Hello, Youtube!

Youtube is my guilty pleasure. I am constantly watching Youtube vlogs and videos and Andrew already knows the answer when he asks "what are you watching?". But don't let him fool you he watches them just as much as I do, except his are all about gardening.

So why not do something we both enjoy watching in our spare time?

Andrew and I are pleased to announce our new youtube channel, Northern Pineapple! We have just posted a little introductory video and would love for you guys to check it out!

It's just a click away! Hope you all enjoy and STAY TUNED!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Pet Worms and Composting

I have a container of worms that live in my apartment. That's right, WORMS. 

Trust me I was a little grossed out about it at first. Especially when Andrew first moved them into our apartment and they began escaping and crawling around our kitchen floor. I never imagined the words, "Andrew the worms got out again!", coming out of my mouth, nor becoming comfortable picking them up and putting them back in their home. Luckily, that phase didn't last long and our rebellious worms became comfortable in their new living environment.

My point to the worm story is that they make a great "ingredient" to a composting bin! Apparently their, for lack of a better word, poop is a great fertilizer for plants which Andrew informed me when he initially moved our new roommates into the apartment. 

Having the worm bin eventually transitioned into creating a compost bin. Which I have become to love! 

As a young couple just starting out our financial situation isn't always ideal and the idea of wasting food and the money we used to buy it by just throwing it in the garbage and sending it off to the dump is unbearable. So I do as much as I can to remember to empty all of our food scraps into the bin so that we can use it in our garden come spring time once the snow has melted. (All you people who are enjoying snow-less springtime on this April Fools day suck, no offense)

Making your own compost bin is super easy! If you live in an apartment like we do all you need is a small bucket or bin depending on how big your apartment is and how much space you want it to take up. Andrew put his in a small tote, this is what it looks like.

I just stash it away underneath our kitchen table. Right in between the recycling bin and crock pot apparently. Note to self, put the crock pot away. Easily accessible for all my composting needs.

Here's what the inside looks like! 

If you are going the worm route, like we have, you want to put a good base of paper scraps towards the bottom and keep it a little moist. Also not too many fruits because of all the acid. I try to put as many scraps as I can but usually check with Andrew to make sure it is safe for the worms when I am unsure. 

Don't know what to do with the extras from your veggies? Throw them right in the compost bin, too! Andrew also puts his used up soil from his house plants and seedlings that didn't grow properly. Pretty much anything will do. I actually plan on throwing in my cucumber skins and coffee grounds that I used up earlier once I am done writing this blog. The more you mix it up and add to it, the richer the compost will become.

Then you just set it and forget it! I will say that we were getting some fruit flies for awhile but they have disappeared on their own, but I will do some more research and keep you updated on that one. 

Overall, I highly recommend a composting bin. It just feels good knowing your recycling your food to make more food! It's a great start to a sustainable lifestyle!

(also if your landlord wont allow you to have pets so the worms are all you have, haha)

If I missed anything or you want to tell me how you compost send us a message or comment! We would love hearing how other people recycle and re-use. Like I said in our last post this a journey to learn and grow, so feedback is more than welcome!

I hope you all had a great April Fool's Day and stay tuned for more posts!