Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Holy Pineapple!

Northern Pineapple isn't just an interesting and cool name (I know you're thinking it). So we couldn't just bypass trying to grow our Northern Pineapple mascot! After months of waiting to see if we could actually grow a pineapple in the northern part of the United States we have finally started seeing growth!

If you look closely all the pale, dead leaves are from the old pineapple and the pineapple plant that is beginning to grow is that bright green in the middle. Though it did take quite some time to root and get started its actually pretty easy to do, you just need patience when it comes to it actually showing progress which was the hardest for me. This is what we used as kind of a guide on what to do:

We cut the top off and soaked it for about a week or so, then removed any remaining fruit pieces that were still attached. Then Andrew planted it in soil and we set it in our little indoor portable greenhouse. Not much was happening for awhile, we checked it a few times and eventually started seeing roots growing underneath. At one point we picked up a bigger grow light and put it under to keep it heated well. But don't leave it under too long or it will burn, we learned that the hard way. Luckily the burning wasn't that bad and it's bouncing back. Then just queue the jeopardy music and wait! 

I have no idea what it is going to look like as it progresses but be sure to watch out for updated pictures of our very own northern pineapple!

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